Jordan Knauer

Licensing: DRE #02041698
  • Grew up in San Luis Obispo, went to SLO High School and studied business at Cal Poly.

  • Worked in Real Estate Development in San Francisco before returning to San Luis Obispo to continue his real estate career.

  • Great knowledge of the Central Coast.

  • Enjoys spending time outdoors at the beach or on hikes.

  • Loves playing and watching sports.

Jordan Knauer

Licensing: DRE #02041698
  • Grew up in San Luis Obispo, went to SLO High School and studied business at Cal Poly.

  • Worked in Real Estate Development in San Francisco before returning to San Luis Obispo to continue his real estate career.

  • Great knowledge of the Central Coast.

  • Enjoys spending time outdoors at the beach or on hikes.

  • Loves playing and watching sports.

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